Sven Erichson

IHK Magdeburg

Bilateral Meetings

  • (13:15 - 15:00) Afternoon session
DescriptionThe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Magdeburg is a central contact for tourism companies in the northern part of the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt.
Organization Type Chamber/Association/Agency
Areas of Activities

Associations, clusters in tourism sector

    Travel agencies and tour operators

      Hotels, restaurants

        Spas, relaxing and wellness resorts, medical tourism

          Museums, historical sights, institutions related to the cultural heritage

            Digital solutions for tourism and smart cities, supportive services for tourism

              New trends in tourism, project leaders, alternative ways of tourism

                Regional tourism (agrotourism, cycle routes...)


                    Offer & Request

                    Central contact to tourism companies

                    The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Magdeburg is a central contact for tourism companies in the northern part of the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt.