Jaroslav Štefek

Euroregion Pomezí Čech, Moravy a Kladska

Bilateral Meetings

  • (10:15 - 12:15) Morning session
DescriptionThe regional association The Euroregion Borderland of Bohemia, Moravia and Kłodsko - Euroregion Glacensis is voluntary interest association of cities and municipalities and other legal entities in the districts of towns Náchod, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Hradec Kralove, Trutnov, Jicin, Chrudim, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, Pardubice and Sumperk on the Czech side and powiaty klodszki, zabkowiski, walbrzyski, strzelinski, swidnicki, dzierzoniowski and the city Walbrzych on the Polish side. Its main task is to support Czech-Polish cross-border cooperation and the development of the border regions, which are linked by close geographical and historical-political links. Support for development in particular in the following areas: - development of tourism, investment in tourism, construction of infrastructure for crossing the state border - cooperation in the field of education, culture and sport.
Organization Type Chamber/Association/Agency
Areas of Activities

Associations, clusters in tourism sector

    Museums, historical sights, institutions related to the cultural heritage

      Regional tourism (agrotourism, cycle routes...)


        Tourist projects in the Euroregion Glacensis

        The project: Traveling through military monuments.
        Within the project Secrets of Military Underground the tourist attraction was increased, the cultural heritage was made accessible and the new product "Traveling on Military Monuments" was created, where the connecting element was the theme II. World War. Both, traditional methods of promotion, such as leaflets, maps and spots, as well as modern technologies in the form of mobile interactive games are used.