Judith König
Project Manager
Investment and Marketing Cooperation Saxony-Anhalt
Bilateral Meetings
- (10:15 - 12:15) Morning session
- (13:15 - 15:00) Afternoon session

DescriptionThe Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt - The Economic Development Agency of the German Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt (IMG) strategically tailors tourism marketing to the demands of the market and to the needs of the main target groups as it seeks to strengthen Saxony-Anhalt’s profile as a travel destination.
Organization Type
Areas of Activities
Associations, clusters in tourism sector
Information, inspiration and travel tips for Saxony-Anhalt
Experience Germany’s cultural treasure chest. No other place in Germany has conserved as much evidence of more than 1000 years of German and European history as the area of today’s Saxony-Anhalt.