Hana McGee

McGee′s Entertainment, s.r.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • (10:15 - 12:15) Morning session
  • (13:15 - 15:00) Afternoon session
DescriptionIncoming travel agency. We offer thematic day tours and evening ghost tours in Prague; We provide short term accommodation in apartments in the city centre.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Travel agencies and tour operators


    offered guided tours in Prague

    We offer guided tours in Prague, for more information please visit also www.praguetourinfo.com, www.mcgeesghosttours.com, www.trips-tickets.com

    Keywords: ghost toursthematic tourshistorical tourswalking toursaccommodationapartments in the centre
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Sales / Distribution
    2. Outsourcing co-operation